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People Resources

People and Organizational Resources

5 People Resources

5.1 People Environment: How does your community excellence group build an effective and supportive environment for the people that do its work?

a. Community Excellence Group CAPABILITY and CAPACITY

(1)  CAPABILITY and CAPACITY NeedsHOW do you manage your community excellence group’s CAPABILITY and CAPACITY needs for people, organizations, and groups? HOW do you assess the people, organizations, and groups you need to accomplish your MISSION, achieve your VISION, reach your STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, and provide your programs and services?

(2)  People ResourcesHOW do you attract and retain new people, organizations, and groups for your community excellence group and its task groups? HOW do you

  • attract and retain the people, organizations, and groups you need to accomplish your MISSION, achieve your VISION, reach your STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, and provide your programs and services;
  • ensure that your community excellence group represents the diverse backgrounds, characteristics, ideas, cultures, and thinking of your community; and
  • ensure the fit of new people, organizations, and groups with your community excellence group’s culture?

(3)  Change ManagementHOW do you prepare your people, organizations, and groups for changes in your community excellence group’s structure and WORK SYSTEMS?   

(4)  Work AccomplishmentHOW do you coordinate your people, organizations, and groups? HOW do you decide which people, organizations, and groups to involve in the various components of your community excellence group and its LEADERSHIP SYSTEM? HOW do you coordinate your people, organizations, and groups to

  • provide your community excellence group’s programs and services,
  • capitalize on your community excellence group’s CORE COMPETENCIES and the CORE COMPETENCIES of your people, organizations, and groups, and
  • reinforce a focus on your vision and strategy?

How do you consider DIVERSITY, inclusion, and equity in your coordination?


5. The Communities of Excellence Framework views residents in two ways: as customers (users of the community’s offerings and the community excellence group’s programs and services—category 3) and as resources (to be engaged in doing the work of the community excellence group—category 5).

5.1a. Capability refers to your community excellence group’s ability to carry out its programs and services through the skills, abilities, and competencies of its people, organizations, and groups. Capacity refers to sufficient levels of participation to carry out the programs and services.

Capability and capacity decisions for your community excellence group are closely linked to your mission, vision, strategy, and programs and services:

  • Your mission and vision are the basis for determining what you want to accomplish (your strategy).
  • The programs and services you offer (through the group or through partners) should align with your strategic objectives.
  • The people, organizations, and groups you involve should align with the requirements of your programs and services.

5.1a(2). Your community excellence group should include the various sectors in your community (e.g., business, education, government, health care, nonprofit/civic organizations, and the faith community), as well as groups affected by the issues you choose to address, groups that work with those affected, and members of existing community partnerships, as appropriate. It should also reflect the diversity within your community (e.g., race, religion, color, gender, national origin, language, disability, sexual orientation, age and generation, education, socioeconomic status, geographic origin, and skill characteristics, as well as ideas, thinking, and perspectives).

5.1a(4). A decision facing community excellence groups is which people, organizations, and groups to involve at the governance level, as leadership council members, as task group members, as partners, or in other roles. In addition to diversity, inclusion, and equity, you might consider the needs of your programs and services; the interests of people, organizations, and groups; or a combination of these factors.


5.2 Community Engagement: How does your community excellence group engage people, organizations, and groups to achieve its strategic objectives?

a. Assessment of ENGAGEMENT

(1)  Drivers of ENGAGEMENTHOW do you determine the KEY drivers of people’s, organizations’, and groups’ ENGAGEMENT in the community excellence group’s programs and services? HOW do you determine these drivers for different people, organizations, and groups?

(2)  Assessment of ENGAGEMENTHOW do you assess ENGAGEMENT in your community excellence group’s programs and services? What formal and informal assessment methods and MEASURES do you use to determine the satisfaction and ENGAGEMENT of your people, organizations, and groups?

b. Community Excellence Group Culture

HOW do you foster a culture that is characterized by open communication, HIGH PERFORMANCE, and ENGAGEMENT in the community excellence group’s MISSION and VISION? HOW do you reinforce your community excellence group’s culture? HOW do you ensure that your community excellence group’s culture supports your VISION and VALUES, promotes inclusion and equity, and benefits from the diverse ideas, cultures, and thinking of the people involved in your group?


(1)  PERFORMANCE AccountabilityHOW does your PERFORMANCE accountability system for your people, organizations, and groups support HIGH PERFORMANCE, INTELLIGENT RISK, and ENGAGEMENT?

(2)  People DevelopmentHOW do you support the personal development of your people in ALIGNMENT with the community’s needs?

(3)  Succession PlanningHOW do you carry out succession planning for leadership and other KEY positions in your community excellence group?


5.2. Engagement is the extent of people’s emotional and intellectual commitment to accomplishing your work, mission, and vision. It does not refer to their engagement as customers (category 3).

5.2a(1). Drivers of engagement (identified in P.1b[2]) refer to the drivers of commitment, both emotional and intellectual, to accomplishing the community excellence group’s work, mission, and vision.

Terms in SMALL CAPS are defined in the Glossary of Key Terms