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Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome!  Our quarterly newsletter, launched in winter of 2024 spotlights the extraordinary communities demonstrating meaningful social impact using the Communities of Excellence Framework.

Click on the newsletter image to download the pdf.

Summer 2024

Featured in this newsletter:

  • Message from Executive Director Stephanie Norling
  • Introducing the New COE Digital Scorecard
  • Community Partner Highlight:  Granite Table Focusing on Data to Empower the Greater St. Cloud Region

Spring 2024

Featured in this newsletter:

  • Message from Executive Director Stephanie Norling
  • Elevating Excellence Through Inclusiveness:  A Strategic Partnership Between CultureBrokers and Communities of Excellence
  • Partner Highlight: Thrive Excelsior Graduates Their Third Citizens Leadership Academy Cohort

Winter 2024

Featured in this newsletter:

  • Message from Executive Director Stephanie Norling
  • The Member Survey:  Unveiling Community Needs
  • A Transformative Partnership with PMG Consulting and Tapp Network
  • Partner Highlight:  Empowering West Kendall: A Decade of Progress Towards a Healthier Community
  • Spotlight:  AARP Age Friendly Communities