With your support, we're making a difference in communities!
- COE encourages community development efforts to include as many diverse voices and perspectives as possible in a coordinated, organized, aligned, and empowered manner.
- COE provides community leaders with opportunities to further develop their leadership skills in the areas of systems thinking, vision-setting, decision-making, broader stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement.
- COE helps community leaders make a positive difference for their residents.
- COE is expanding its assistance to leaders from all sectors who are stepping up to improve the quality of life for the people who live, learn, work, and play in their communities.
Learn more about our critical expansion projects and how you and your company can play a role!
Communities of Excellence 2026 Contributors receive:
GOLD…$10,000 - $49,999
- Invitations to special in-person events and annual conference
- Plus, all benefits listed below
SILVER…..$5,000 - $9,999
BRONZE..$1,000 - $4,999
- Invitations to special online events
- Recognition tied to specific projects underwritten, as appropriate
- Recognition in the annual printing of the Communities of Excellence Framework Booklet
- Plus, all benefits listed below
BLUE………....$500 - $999
- Recognition at annual conference
- Recognition on COE 2026 Website
- Plus, all benefits listed below
GREEN……....$100 - $499
ORANGE………....$1 - $99
- Receive eNewsletter
- Recognition in annual conference publication
Please contact Stephanie Norling, Executive Director at 619-719-1045 or snorling@communitiesofexcellence.org.
Communities of Excellence 2026 [COE 2026] is a private, nonprofit organization conceived in 2010 and established in 2013 as a 501(c)3 organization registered as 43-3384692 with the I.R.S. Your donation is completely tax deductible and empowers high-performing vibrant communities in the United States of America.
2022 Annual Report with Financials
State Charitable Solicitation Disclosures