7 Results
7.1 Community and Process Results: What are your community and process effectiveness results?
(1) What are the RESULTS for your community excellence group’s contributions to the community’s health, education, economy, and quality of life?
(2) What are the RESULTS for your community excellence group’s programs and services?
(3) What are your community excellence group’s PROCESS EFFECTIVENESS and efficiency RESULTS?
(4) What are the RESULTS for your community excellence group’s contributions to the community’s safety and RESILIENCE?
7.1(1). Include results for performance of programs and services that are important to your residents and other customers.
7.2 Customer-Focused Results: What are your resident and other customer-focused performance results?
(1) What are your RESULTS for resident and other CUSTOMER satisfaction and dissatisfaction with your community excellence group’s programs and services?
(2) What are your RESULTS for RESIDENT and other CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT regarding your community excellence group’s programs and services?
7.2. Results for resident and other customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and engagement should relate to the groups you identify in P.1a(3) and to the listening and determination methods you describe in item 3.1.
7.3 People Resource Results: What are your community excellence group’s results for its people, organizations, and groups?
(1) What are your CAPABILITY and CAPACITY RESULTS for your people, organizations, and groups?
(2) What are your RESULTS for your people’s, organizations’, and groups’ ENGAGEMENT in producing and delivering your community excellence group’s programs and services?
(3) What are your RESULTS for the development of your community excellence group’s people, organizations, and groups?
7.3. Results reported in this item should relate to the processes you describe in category 5.
7.4 Leadership and Governance Results: What are your community excellence group’s leadership and governance results?
(1) What are your RESULTS for your community excellence group leaders’ communication and engagement with the community excellence group, KEY resident and other CUSTOMER groups, and other KEY community groups?
(2) What are your RESULTS for GOVERNANCE accountability?
(3) What are your RESULTS for ETHICAL BEHAVIOR?
7.5 Financial and Strategy Results: What are your community excellence group’s results for financial viability and strategy implementation?
(1) What are your community excellence group’s financial RESULTS?
(2) What are your RESULTS for the achievement of your strategy and ACTION PLANS?
7.5(1). Examples of financial results might be budgetary results for the group and its programs and services, return on investment, and the community savings that result from programs and services, such as reduction in resources required for public services due to more efficient delivery, reduced health care costs, and jobs created.
Terms in SMALL CAPS are defined in the Glossary of Key Terms