Sandra Potthoff, PhD
Sandra Potthoff PhD is a retired professor from the University of South Florida, Tampa, where she served as the Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management. She was previously associate professor and is now emeritus at the University of Minnesota, where she served as the Master of Healthcare Administration Program Director for 8 years. With a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. Potthoff ’s research spans the interfaces of systems analysis and quality management, operations research and management science, and data analytics, applied to evaluating and improving healthcare delivery, long-term care, tele-health homecare services, and community programs. Dr. Potthoff was the recipient of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) 2019 Gary L. Filerman award for Educational Leadership. She is a past board member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration, and a past board member, vice president, and president of the Health Applications Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.