Ektaa Nichani

Graduate School attended: University of Minnesota
Graduate Degree or expected: Master of Healthcare Administration
Undergraduate School attended: University of Scranton
Undergraduate Degree: Biology
Hometown: Easton, Pennsylvania
Why did you want to be a Kruse Communities of Excellence Scholar?
I wanted to be a Kruse Scholar because I believe in sustaining community partnerships and developing mechanisms that address the health and wellness needs of the community. Being a Kruse Scholar gives me the opportunity to learn the right tools needed to create spaces for connections to be made, ideas to be cross-fertilized and collective knowledge to be developed. Creating collaborative teams and generating rich opportunities for innovation drives the effective change in the community.
What is your vision for a “community of excellence”?
Like many, I am guilty of thinking that I have an answer or an idea of what a community of excellence should be. Where we go wrong is by believing we understand all the dissonance in the communities. My vision is to go the communities, to those we serve, and determine their perspective of what a community of excellence should be. As every community is different, determining the root cause and instead of saying “what do you think about this idea” to “how about we come up with this together.” My vision would be to engage the communities, create a community-wide movement and empower all residents to adopt healthy lifestyles and be the change they need through integrate solutions.
How do you plan to contribute to spreading “communities of excellence” across our country now and in the future?
Through this opportunity as a Kruse Scholar, I want to learn as much as possible about how to use a systematic approach in implementing communities of excellence. Having this understanding through the Baldrige Framework, will allow me to actively contribute to the communities and seek to decrease the existing health disparities. In the future, I hope to be able to share these collaborative initiatives and promote the health and well being of communities by applying the framework of excellence.
What is/was your favorite class?
My favorite class was three-dimensional design where I was able to use basic materials and hands-on approaches to create three dimensional sculptures. It helped bring out my creative side!
What are your favorite hobbies by the season?
Spring: Enjoy picnics and spend as much time outside as possible
Summer: Lots of traveling
Fall: Love to drive through mountains
Winter: Reading
What is something unique about you?
I have a love for learning languages and I can speak about 5 different languages.
Favorite place you been to?
Montreal, Canada – I love its culture and vibe!
Where would you like to live?
I love to explore new places but I would love to go back to Pennsylvania (or even back to India one day).