From June 4th to July 5th, 2019, Communities of Excellence 2026 will be accepting volunteers to serve as Examiners as part of the Communities of Excellence Assessment and Recognition Program. This year there are three levels to be assessed:
Commitment to Community Excellence
Time Frame: August 19th to October 4th including one video conference.
At this level the applications will include only the Community Profile. Applications will be a maximum of 10 pages plus a glossary of abbreviations.
Estimated Time Commitment: 5-7 hours
Estimated Number of Examiners Needed: 25
Journey to Community Excellence
Time Frame: July 17th to September 24th including three video conferences
Community Applications will include a Community Profile, responses to category 1, category 2, item 7.1 questions (1) and (2), and item 7.4 questions (1) and (5). The application will be a maximum of 17 pages plus a glossary of abbreviations.
Estimated Time Commitment: 15-20 hours
Estimated Number of Examiners Needed: 12
Community of Excellence
Time Frame: July 17th to September 24th including three video conferences
Community Applications will include a Community Profile and responses to categories 1-7. The application will be a maximum of 35 pages plus a glossary of abbreviations.
Estimated Time Commitment: Approx. 30 hours
Estimated Number of Examiners Needed: 12
Visit our website for more information including key dates and an explanation of the process.
To volunteer email Stephanie Norling – snorling@communitiesofexcellence2026.org and include a couple sentences on the following:
· Your knowledge/skill/background in Baldrige and improving community performance.
· Your general availability for the video conference dates (see website).
· Your level preference. Please use 1st, 2nd, 3rd to rank.